Silicon nitride and silicon nitride ceramics

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Ceramics with silicon nitride Silicon nitride Inorganic substance Si3N4 has the chemical formula. It is a ceramic material that is used in structural applications. It has a high degree of hardness, lubricity and wear resistance. It is an atomic-crystal and resists oxidation in high temperatures. It is also resistant to the impact of both cold and heat. It will not break if it’s heated to over 1000degC and then quickly cooled, followed by a rapid heating. Because of its outstanding characteristics, silicon nitride can be used to make mechanical components like bearings, turbines blades, mechanical sealing rings, permanent molds and more. When silicon nitride is used as the heating surface for engine parts, the ceramics are not only resistant to high temperatures and heat transfer, but they also have a higher thermal efficiency.
Uses and functions of silicon Nitride
Silicon nitride Has a unique grain pattern, high strength and toughness, as well as excellent thermal resistance. It is a good choice for applications requiring high reliability, thermal stress and dynamic stress. This unique combination material properties provides advantages in applications that are exposed to harsh conditions, such as high-end ball and turbine bearings.
The main function
High mechanical strength, electrical insulation and toughness.
Useful Information
High-temperature parts, wear-resistant parts and components for semiconductor manufacturing equipment

What are the disadvantages of using and producing silicon nitride Ceramics?
Although silicon nitride has good properties, it also has the common property of ceramics–brittleness. Silicon nitride Ceramics are polycrystalline sintered bodies made up of ionic and covalently bound crystal grains. The chemical bond, which is highly directional, determines low grain density, low slip systems and low energy to crack. The fracture process is characterized by the addition of fracture surface energy and the absence of any other energy dissipation mechanisms. This results in defects like low strength and inadequate toughness. It is impossible to guarantee reliability due to the fatal weakness of brittleness. The silicon nitride research has always been focused on increasing its toughness, and therefore its reliability.
Why is silicon nitride so expensive?
1. The price of powder is high.
Nitrogen and high-purity silicon are required for powder preparation. Temperature, time and pressure must be carefully controlled during the nitriding procedure. The powder prepared can be ground using high energy. The whole process requires high-tech equipment. For high-purity, Nanoparticle size and high-proportion of phase purity to be achieved, equipment, technology, and even quality management requirements are high.
2. The cost of ceramics made from silicon nitride is high.
1) High sintering costs. In general, there are three types of silicon nitride silnir sintering: pressureless sintering or pressure sintering. In terms of ceramics, the three methods have progressively higher quality. All three methods have advantages. The higher quality ceramics are, the more expensive they will be.
2) High processing costs. Due to its high hardness, silicon nitride must be processed using diamond abrasives. For special shape processing, special equipment will be required. Because of this, silicon nitride-based products are more costly.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 years experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The silicon nitride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.